La gran ola de Hokusai

Este cuaderno tiene a la ola de Hokusai en la tapa.
Lo volví a abrir después de mucho tiempo, y me corte el dedo con una hoja. Quizás no lo tenía que abrir.

"La fuga"
Tinta y lápiz sobre papel

Tinta y lápiz sobre papel

Tinta sobre papel


Tinta sobre papel

Tinta y lápiz sobre papel

1 comment:

The Baker Family said...

Your work is marvelous! I don't know if you can read this as your blog is in another language but as I was surfing the blogs I came across your art and it is so very wonderful! I hope you are selling these and doing well at it. I wish I had your talent! I am a quilter but my work is traditional and mostly boring compared to what you draw. It is great! God bless, Lin